A Brief Overview of the Enneagram: 9 Doorways to Inner Work

What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a psychological and spiritual framework that outlines nine unique character structures that highly keys to understanding our inner world. Embedded in its teachings are the tools to unlock deeper insights about ourselves — who we have taken ourselves to be, and who we truly have the potential to become.

Stemming from age-old spiritual traditions, philosophical views, and modern developmental psychology, the Enneagram offers a comprehensive tool for personal transformation, helping us understand how we can delve inward and learn more about ourselves beyond our typical lenses of perception.

When we do inner work, we look at the mental, emotional, and behavioral patterns that show up repeatedly despite encountering new circumstances. Each person has dominant Enneagram Type; an embedded set of beliefs, sensitivities, and learned coping strategies correlated to the nine points on the Enneagram symbol.

The Nine Types

Type 1: The Reformer

Known for their inherent sense of purpose and attention to detail, they are proactive and strive to create a better world. However, when disconnected from their essence, they may feel obligated to correct others or become overly perfectionistic.

Type 2: The Helper

Warm-hearted and generous, Helper types often put others' needs ahead of their own. When they lose touch with their essence, they become overbearing and fall into unhealthy cycles of overgiving. The call to "wake up" involves practicing self-care and recognizing their own needs.

Type 3: The Achiever

Striving for success and working hard is the Achiever's modus operandi. They are adaptable and efficient. However, when disconnected from their essence, their drive for success may outshine their humanity, and they might overlook their own needs.

Type 4: The Individualist

Individualists deeply value their identity and uniqueness. They have a profound ability to empathize with others' emotions. However, when disconnected from their true selves, they may indulge in self-pity or envy.

Type 5: The Investigator

The quintessential thinkers, investigators find joy in gaining knowledge and are committed to building competence. But when disconnected from their inherent wisdom, they can withdraw into a world of their own, stifling relationships and becoming overly introverted.

Type 6: The Loyalist

Loyalists are reliable, responsible, and value security. They are constantly seeking assurances and can become overly skeptical and doubtful when they lose contact with their inherent guidance.

Type 7: The Enthusiast

Enthusiasts are adventurous, energetic, and always planning for the next big adventure. However, when disconnected from their true essence, they may become scattered, jumping from one experience to another without finding lasting satisfaction.

Type 8: The Challenger

Challengers are strong, protective, and assertive. They have a burning desire for truth and justice. But, becoming disconnected from their essence can lead them to become overly controlling and dominating.

Type 9: The Peacemaker

Peace-loving and accepting, Peacemakers desire harmony and peace above all else. Yet, when they lose touch with their essence, they may avoid conflicts to keep the peace, suppressing their desire and needs in the process.

The Power of Enneagram in Inner Work

The Enneagram is more than just categorizing personality types. It's a tool for radical honesty and radical compassion towards ourselves and others. By recognizing when our type patterns show up in our behaviors, we become more self-aware and open to transformation.

By grasping the Enneagram framework and understanding our dominant type, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. We learn to appreciate our unique qualities and their influences on our lives. And we understand that while we might unconsciously gravitate toward one type’s patterns, we also have access to the energies of all the other types, making us dynamic beings rather than fitting into a single mold.

By exploring and practicing with the Enneagram, we start getting in touch with our Essence and can consciously make decisions that serve our highest good. So take a step on this insightful journey into your psyche, and discover the empowering world of the Enneagram.


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