Engaging the Enneagram:
Reducing Reactivity & Living from Essence


A live group program to support you in engaging the Enneagram's transformational potential through teaching and practice.

March 23 - April 27, 2023

Thursdays from 1:30pm - 3pm PT

> Convert to your time zone <

The Nitty Gritty:

  • 6 Live Teaching Transmissions (90 minutes each)

  • Potent Practices & Community Practice Space

  • Q & A with Caryn

  • 25 Page Workbook (split into digestible chunks)

  • Class Recordings and additional resources

Investment: $500

Payment plans available

(option to add 1:1 coaching sessions at a reduced rate)

You sense that the Enneagram holds transformative potential.

Maybe it’s just recently been whispering to you, or maybe you’ve been studying it for some time now.

Imagine what could be possible if you were more tapped into your Essence and lived less from the reactivity of your personality patterns.

How would it feel to be you?

What would your relationships look like?

How would you contribute to the world?

Knowing your type and continuing down the same path isn’t moving you closer to yourself; it’s only keeping you over-identified with your type structure.

Denying that you have ego patterns isn’t doing you any good either. Playing out the same patterns at work, with your loved ones, and in your self-talk is taking a toll.

And the memes, tips, and tricks aren’t getting you very far on their own.

Because the Enneagram is not just about Doing but about Being.

The bad news: There is no shortcut to doing the inner work that helps you experience Being. Intention and effort is required, and no one can do it for you.

The good news: The Enneagram offers an invitation to reconnect with your inherent worthiness, provides a framework for recognizing your specific ways of getting stuck, and includes a dynamic map to help you chart your journey. With the support of an Enneagram-savvy guide, you can pinpoint the places that keep you from experiencing presence and build capacity to receive on a whole new level.

Engaging the Enneagram is a live program for seekers looking to grow in community. It incorporates Enneagram theory rooted in lineages that prioritize self-remembering practices.

It’s time to get radically honest about how we get caught in old patterns, cultivate compassion for why we do so, and reduce the reactivity that keeps us stuck in cycles of dissatisfaction.

This is a program where you can integrate your insights and welcome your wholeness.

Meet Your Guide

My name is Caryn (she/her)

I am a
Conduit of Compassion;
Transmitter of Truth;
I Hold Hope,
Inspire Insight,
& Wield Wisdom
in service of your Inner Knowing

Trained as a social worker, I now play the roles of Enneagram Teacher, Somatic Practitioner, and Transformationalist. Through deep relationship, compassionate curiosity, and the framework of the Enneagram, I guide others to become responsive stewards of the ever-emerging present.

Some of my credentials include:

  • Bachelor of Arts, Psychology - Cornell University (2013)

  • Master of Social Work - Portland State University (2017)

  • Master Awaken Your Life Coach - Awaken Your Life Training [Accredited through the Association for Coaching] (2020)

  • Certified Narrative Enneagram Teacher - The Narrative Enneagram (2021)

  • Certification in Enneagram-Informed Conscious Living - Russ Hudson, Jessica Dibb, & The Shift Network (2022)

  • Somatic Enneagram Training & Certificate - Marion Gilbert (2022)

My favorite credentials come from my lived experience and 3-centered practice.

Through direct experiences of presence, I have learned…

It’s not enough to understand ourselves conceptually - we have the potential to sense into embodied belonging in our whole beings.

It’s not enough to know our value - we have the potential to receive unfathomable compassion and love from the world around us, from others, and from ourselves.

It’s not enough to free ourselves - we have the potential to create conditions that foster liberation for all.

Though the work is never done, you are always enough. Here and now; wherever you are on your path; you have an opportunity to for embodiment, receptivity, and liberation.

Join me for Engaging the Enneagram: Reducing Reactivity & Living from Essence.

We start March 23rd.

Join us as we explore the Universal Growth Process, originally developed by Dr. David Daniels, one of the founders of The Narrative Enneagram. I’ll combine Enneagram theory with my favorite techniques and practices - the ones that I use on myself and with my clients to help us become responsive stewards of the ever-emerging present.

While this is inner work, doing it in community is invaluable.

Each week will include transmitted teachings, an exploration of tools and practices you can apply to your life, and opportunities to ask questions and be witnessed in your process. You’ll receive handouts to support you along the way and recordings of the sessions to revisit anytime.

We meet Thursdays from 1:30pm-3pm PT

> convert to your time zone here <

Week 1: Awareness
March 23

Connect with the group, share your intentions for our time together, and tap into all 3 centers of intelligence as we embark on this journey together. Learn what we mean by Awareness, what supports it, what keeps us from it, and develop your own plan for increasing your capacity for increased awareness.

Week 2: Acceptance
March 30

Learn the three ways we habitually resist reality and how to embrace what is here without falling into passive resignation and one of the most powerful practices I’ve found to increase acceptance of our current reality.

Week 3: Appreciation
April 6

Explore your internal and external resources and experience a felt sense of well-being that will support your evolution. Gain respect for your personality patterns and their intelligence.

Week 4: Action
April 13

Learn three steps to interrupt ego patterns in real time so you can apply this work when it counts most.

Week 5: Adherence
April 20

Tap into your most aligned reasons for doing inner work and strengthen your commitment to yourself.

Week 6: Assistance
April 27

Identify the resources that are most supportive to your whole being, and open to receiving on a new level, including from the group as we reflect on our experiences together.

“If you treat the Enneagram with respect, it is a great medicine. Treat it casually, and it is a great poison.”

~ Eli Jaxon-Bear


I’m pretty new to the Enneagram. Is this a good fit for me?

This is a great starting point if you’ve already been feeling the pull toward the Enneagram as a framework to support self-discovery. I’ll touch on some of the foundational elements of the system and introduce a process that can support you in self-observation that you can return to as you learn more about the Enneagram and about yourself.

What if I’m not sure of my type?

This program will be most valuable to you if you have a working theory of your core type. Looking to get typed? Reach out and I’ll connect you to folks who offer typing services.

I’ve been studying the Enneagram for a long time. Will this work for me?

Every time a group gathers, a unique field is created and highlights pieces that are ready to be witnessed and worked with in real time. I’ll be teaching and guiding some of my favorite practices - the ones I return to again and again with myself and my clients that always yield something new. There is always more to uncover and the more we self-observe, the deeper we can go. You’ll leave this experience with new insights into your Being.

What if I can’t attend every session live?

While practicing in community brings a richness to the inner work, I know things may come up. The recordings will be available after our sessions for you to catch up and revisit on your own time.

What will I get when I sign up?

You’ll gain access to the course homepage with course materials. There you’ll find the handouts we’ll be working with each week and Zoom links for live calls. After each session, I’ll post videos of the call and additional resources that are relevant to the topic.

Are there refunds?

Payment is nonrefundable. Whether you attend live or not, you’ll retain access to the full workbook and recordings of our live classes.

Interested in the next round of Engaging the Enneagram? Complete the form below!

We’ll meet Mondays from 5:30pm - 7:00pm PT starting in late May
(subject to change)

 What people are saying:

  • "My sincerest gratitude for your ability to hold a container. You’ve really made this space nonjudgmental. You have a way of helping me go to places I avoid, or because I’m scared I don’t want to go there alone. It’s meant a lot to have such a steady guide. The gentleness with which you approach this has been incredibly appreciated, and it’s very much a gift."

    ~ Chelsea W.

  • “You are a delight. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world in the ways that you do. I can say personally that your classes were a huge success. You are such a naturally gifted facilitator, and when you chose to add your own feedback or reflections to other's comments I always always always learned from you. The awakening and expression of your deep, vast inner wisdom has been such an honor to witness. Thank you thank you thank you.”

    ~ Katie K.

  • “I had been using my limited understanding of the enneagram just to analyze the situation as if it were happening to somebody else. Caryn helped show me how to actually sit with the feelings in my body and get out of my head, and I’ve practiced that a lot more since. I’ve been able to relate to myself and others in my life in a more compassionate and supportive way ever since."

    ~ Mathias Q.

I’ve compiled some of my favorite free Enneagram resources to support your exploration