Just My Type

1:1 Applied Enneagram Learning

Discover where you’re over-identifying with your ego patterns and what’s waiting for you underneath

You already know that the Enneagram has your number 😉.

But what happens once you’ve begun to see that your auto-pilot settings are running the show more often than you’d like to admit?

I don’t see the Enneagram as just a tool or a typology — it’s an invitation inward.

Awareness it the first step.

It’s helpful to learn more about your dominant type’s Essential Qualities, Habits of Attention, Vice, Virtue, & Holy Idea.

Each type also sits within various triads in the Enneagram system:

  • Center of Intelligence: Head, Heart, Gut

  • Hornevian (Social Stance): Withdrawing, Compliant, Assertive

  • Harmonics (Conflict Style): Positive Outlook, Emotional Realness, Competency

  • Object Relations: Frustration, Rejection, Attachment

While you can get some of this information from books or podcasts, it can also help to work directly with someone who knows the system well.

Once you’ve got the awareness of how your type is showing up in your life, you can start to really work with it.

Dr. David Daniels (co-founder of The Narrative Enneagram) developed a framework called the Universal Growth Process to highlight how we go from Awareness to conscious and aligned Action.

This type of action is all about finding freedom from the reactivity of our type’s habitual thinking, feeling, and behaving and instead tap into our Essence.

Are you ready to dive deeper into who you are — both with and beyond your type?


Just My Type may be for you if you’re…

➡️ seeking clarity what your type really means for you — with your unique experiences and cultural conditioning

➡️ tired of only seeing what your ego wants you to see; you’re looking for reflection on how to apply this stuff and get unstuck

➡️ wanting to learn more Enneagram theory with a live human who can help you better understand why you do what you do and where to go from here


What’s Included

  • 6 sessions (60 minutes each)

    • Sessions are a combination of coaching and teaching in service of deepening your practice of applying the Enneagram to your life in service of personal development.

      Topics to explore may include but are not limited to:

      • Learning more about the features of your type and what that truly means

      • How your Enneagram type has shown up in the past and how it’s showing up now

      • How to be authentic in your relationships; working with honesty about your needs alongside compassion for theirs

      • Self-acceptance; understanding your patterns and working with them instead of against them

  • 30-page Universal Growth Process Workbook

    • This is a rich resource outlining how the Enneagram invites us into inner work to find freedom from our reactive patterns and access to our Essential Nature. Whether you want to use it as a jumping off point in our sessions or work with it on your own, this valuable resource is yours to keep!

      In it you’ll find…

      • An overview of the key concepts of Ego and Essence through the lens of Enneagram wisdom teachings

      • Teachings, prompts, and practices for each of the 6 “A”s of the Universal Growth Process to reduce reactivity and embrace your essential nature

      • Reference guides to the mental and emotional habits of each type, along with the Essential Qualities available through inner practice

  • Additional resources & practices to experiment with between sessions

  • Email access between sessions


The Investment

1 payment of $975


3 payments of $325


6 payments of $165

The Enneagram is a Game-Changer

Want to learn more about the unconscious habits that drive your behavior?

Looking to cultivate deeper relationships with yourself and others?

Ready to interrupt the patterns that keep you feeling stuck or replaying painful loops in your life?

Enneagram symbol.png

The Enneagram is a powerful system that helps us recognize the real motivations beneath our behaviors. It offers language to highlight our natural gifts, perspectives on how we come across to others, and compassionate insight into what keeps us from the life we truly desire.

Having a direct experience of our type patterns helps us recognize how limited we have taken ourselves to be and invites us to expand our awareness so we may begin to see ourselves more clearly.

 What people are saying

  • “I had been using my limited understanding of the enneagram just to analyze the situation as if it were happening to somebody else. Caryn helped show me how to actually sit with the feelings in my body and get out of my head, and I’ve practiced that a lot more since. Over two months later, I’m still working with the insights and practices that Caryn pointed me towards, while the session also motivated me to dig deeper, through my own study, into the insights of the enneagram. I’ve been able to relate to myself and others in my life in a more compassionate and supportive way ever since."

  • “Caryn has a very calming, open presence. She asks questions gently and listens carefully. I'd definitely recommend working with Caryn to anyone trying to know themselves more deeply.”

  • "I really appreciate how Caryn makes you reflect not only through what you’re feeling sentimentally, but what you’re feeling physically. I also love how open she is and how at peace you can feel during her sessions."

  • "I felt a lot of gratitude for the honesty and insight Caryn brings and a way of looking at the challenging parts with compassion, curiosity, and levity... I felt connected, and buzzing, and reinvigorated to deepen my own curiosity and compassion. Thank you for being a catalyst for further exploration, I’m open and energized for what’s ahead."