
(Text from beginning of values workbook)

Click here to download my free workbook on cultivating your aligned values.

  • When it comes to inner work, I take the stance that everything belongs. It’s so tempting to designate some aspects of ourselves as “desirable” and exile the parts that don’t seem to fit the ideal image we have (often unconsciously) created. It’s even more tempting to reject parts of ourselves when we have a goal in mind and perceive certain parts of us to be “in the way”. I’m committed to welcoming ALL parts of myself - especially those I’ve spent most of my life shaming, dismissing, or rejecting - with as much compassionate curiosity as I can, and supporting my clients as they learn to do the same.

  • I fully expect my clients to benefit from our work together. And, I fully expect to benefit from my clients, both through the financial exchange that supports my small business and the richness of the wisdom each of my clients has within them.

    I will not use coercion in my business. I will not trigger your pain points in order to sell. I work only with people who are drawn to the work I do, the way I do it (which includes lots of consent and care for your needs). I ensure goodness of fit and potential for mutually beneficial exchange through an experiential 90-minute conversation with anyone considering investing in deep work with me.

  • While I’m committed to getting uncomfortable, I refuse to force anything. I’m not interested in “the hustle.” My daily practices support me in allowing my process to unfold when and how it will, taking cues from my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual guidance systems and adjusting based on that feedback. Change is inevitable, and I trust that things will evolve in their own time. As I allow my own life force to flow through my work, I hope to model to my clients that it is safe to trust their internal guidance systems, to do things in their own time, and to revel in the unconditional support available through unobstructed energetic flow.

  • I don’t do this work just to help clients improve their relationships, find work-life balance, or craft their ideal lifestyle, though these intentions often bring folks to my work and they are often achieved along the way. My deeper intention is to help us collectively awaken to the truth of how things are so we may choose to respond accordingly. That includes tuning into personal desires and individual life circumstances, and it most definitely includes our collective context and cultural conditioning.

    I believe that when we see things more closely to how they truly are, we are compelled to address systemic inequities, steward the earth, and foster paradigm shifts that re-center our inherent value and orient us toward collective liberation.


I dream of a world where everyone has opportunities to flourish while embodying our wholeness. And I’ve seen massive shifts in that direction! I have come to believe that when even one person shows up with a bit more presence, the whole world benefits.

~ Caryn